Saturday, February 11, 2012

Swimming Pool Bugs - What Are They and How Can I Get Rid of Them?

Besides chemical maintenance and other water problems that plague pool owners every year, having swimming pool bugs occurs more oftentimes than most would think. They are a nuisance and can be difficult to take care of, even though there are products that claim to get rid of them easily. But there is a more natural way to do it, costing less money, and production your pool cleaner.

The two most common swimming pool bugs are Waterboatman and Backswimmers. For both of these insects the best way to eliminate them and prevent them from returning is by removing their food source. This is true for most pests. If there's nothing to eat they'll move on to a best place to find food.

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Waterboatman are oval shaped and small. They don't bite, but can cause your water to become indeed dirty. They also have a tendency of reproducing fairly quickly so if they're not taken care of fast, they will become a much larger problem. They feed off of underwater vegetation such as algae. If you are fighting with waterboatmen, chances are very good that you have an algae qoute somewhere in the pool.

Swimming Pool Bugs - What Are They and How Can I Get Rid of Them?

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By treating your algae problem, or other vegetation increase you can get rid of waterboatmen fairly quickly.

Backswimmers also hang colse to because of a food source. They do bite, and can hurt as much as a bee sting. Again removing their food source will get rid of them and keep them away.

Backswimmers feed on other water insects, such as waterboatmen. So in order to get rid of them, you must first address the other insect problem.

Another thing to note is that both of these swimming pool bugs lay their eggs in underwater vegetation. So not only are you removing a food source, you will also be destroying their breeding ground.

Swimming pool bugs come about because of poor pool maintenance. Don't beat yourself up over it, however. In most cases, you're given bad advice from pool "experts" that are indeed out there to get you to buy more chemicals and equipment that can be unnecessary.

Swimming Pool Bugs - What Are They and How Can I Get Rid of Them?Give Me All Your Luvin' (Feat. MIA and Nicki Minaj) Tube. Duration : 3.75 Mins.

Track from Madonna's MDNA album. To pre-order the Deluxe version from iTunes, please visit: Music video for Madonna's Give Me All Your Luvin' single, featuring MIA and Nicki Minaj. Directed by Megaforce.

Tags: Madonna, Give Me All Your Luvin', Nicki Minaj, MIA, MDNA, video, official, Megaforce, Solveig, Music Video, Give Me All Your Love, Give Me All Your Lovin

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